On the 7th December 2019, a large conference organised by VISA-AD will take place at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg, a place that symbolises our work and links with the Council of Europe.
The aim of this event is to highlight youth missions and how they unfold, the long term benefits of volunteering, and to give more visibility to the various European programmes (the European Solidarity Corps etc.), and also to celebrate our 60th anniversary.
The programme of lectures, key speakers, exhibitions, conferences and debates, is available here:
The conference: “Volunteering: a journey of engagement for young people in Europe” will take place on the 9th December at the European Youth Centre: Centre Européen de la Jeunesse, 30 Rue Pierre de Coubertin, 67000 Strasbourg.
Sign up before the 25th of November 2019 here: https://bit.ly/2MMS5EP or by email at info@visa-ad.org.
The European Youth Centre is a diplomatic building so it is necessary to register your attendance in advance. Before you arrive, remember to bring a piece of ID with you.